I'm preparing to drive over 2000 miles with my boys and I'm searching for some ammo to fight backseat boredom. So far all I have is a portable DVD player, Leapster, and a travel "Trouble" game. Anyone have any other good ideas or family road trip wisdom to share?
Wow - sounds like you've got it covered. Hannah loves the "Brain Quest" cards, but you would need an adult to read the questions to Tyler. That one is out for me on a road trip because I get car sick.
www.brainquest.com (they sell them at cosco and the bookstores)
Get a few fun things at the dollar store or wherever and wrap them up like presents and then when you need something new, hand them back something fun to open and play with. Snacks might be fun to have wrapped up that way, too. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!
I like Lisa and Jamie's ideas.
I read "The Friend" to Holden when he was little on trips. It was the only time that he really wanted me to read from it! :)
Small amount of snacks in bags, so you can keep feeding them. Little boxes of raisins are kind of fun.
Whatever liquid you give them. Small amounts in lots of containers seems to help.
The video player in the car made all the difference on trips.
Prozac, Tylenol and earplugs in large amounts for you!
Good luck, Meghan! You can do it!
We are going to miss you guys! So glad that you have a blog to keep in touch with.
The Pehrson
I LOVE your new photo on the title banner. It's GREAT!!
Sorry, no new ideas yet :)
An idea that I have is to get a map that Tyler can write on and have him mark where you are through out the day. Maybe have him draw pictures of fun roadside adventures. Have him write me a letter to mail. Dry erase boards and markers could be fun. You could make a container for traveling and include random stuff. I saw it on Martha Stewart once. It looked really good. I think she had it so the kids could decorate the container with those sticky foam letters/shapes that you get at the dollar store. Good Luck!
Okay, I went to Martha's Website. She has a cute bingo template that you could use. I would print it out and use a cookie sheet and magnets to mark it so you could get more than one use out of it. You could just write on it. She also has stickers, glue sticks, and coloring books in her kit. I like the idea of a travel journal, but I don't know how much Tyler would be into that. I think that you should move next door to me instead and then you wouldn't have to worry about traveling. :)
Hey, isn't your husband a doctor? Have him drug them with dramamine or benadryl, and voila! Instant silence for miles and miles.
When that wears off, duct tape is an excellent runner-up.
(Oh, I really wish we could be there to help you pack up! I'm sorry we left a year too soon. Hope the trip is manageable!)
I usually do the same as Jamie - get small things and bring them out every now and then. - keeps it exciting - also like the map idea. I wish you good luck and a safe journey !
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