Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Harry Potter Club

It's official. I finally joined the Harry Potter Club. I read all seven books in two weeks (and loved them). I had to quit cleaning my house and caring for my children, but I did it! Now I will totally get all the Harry Potter jokes and when I watch the movies, I'll be able to say "That's not how it was in the book! The book is way better!" I'm so cool now.
So, what's next? Where do I go from here? Is there life after Harry Potter?


The Wynn Family said...

You will laugh at me but I did the marathon Harry Potter read, and when I was done I started crying!!! All my fictional friends were gone. Brad suggested that next time he only allow me to read one book a month.

Tringali Family said...

I haven't read them yet...maybe I should, I have been wanting something to read. I miss our book club from Vegas....I haven't gotten into the one here yet.

Amber said...

I am so happy that you read all the Harry Potter's! Weren't they sooo great and so much fun??? 2 weeks, that is impressive. No, there is no life after Harry Potter. Especially since she is NOT writing anymore. I was so disappointed when I finally put the 7th one down! Have you read Twilight? That is a good place to go next if you haven't.
I am really anticipating the next movie...that is all we have to look forward to.
Good job!

seegfam said...

I remember when I first read them - I still had to wait for the rest to come out. They are quite addicting. I used to read them to my third grade class as well! I just saw a preview saturday night for the new movie - and am very excited!

Darwin said...

I've heard that it is a good idea to stay away from "The adventures of Dumbledore" spin-off series.

Gretchen said...

You should definitely have a marathon movie night and watch ALL of the movies one after the other. Only stop for bathroom breaks. :)

Nevada Woolfs said...

Congrats Meghan!
Life after Harry Potter is called TWILIGHT. You can read all of them in two weeks also, but I have to say that I liked Harry Potter better!

Lisa said...

There is no life after Harry Potter, I haven't been able to find one book that's up to par. The closest fantasy/magic/wizard book that I can find is the Fablehaven series.

I guess I need to join the club now :)

Amber said...

Have you read the Fablehaven series by Brandon Mull. It is similar to Harry Potter, but a whole different story. They are fast reads too. The fourth book just came out and the last one comes out next year. Another series that I am reading is by Suzanne Collins (I think) and the first one is The Hunger Games. SO GOOD! But if you just read what it was about, you wouldn't want to read the whole thing, at least that was me, but I had to for my book group and now I am addicted. The second one comes out in September. I am so excited about it. And I am assuming that you have read the Twilight series. If not, get out of the dark ages and read it. They are addicting too. Good luck!

Mandy said...

One day I hope to read the Harry Potter books too. I have the movies and I really like them. I think we have some of the books here at the house, but I can't seem to find them. Too much stuff I guess. Good job.

c-natalie-l-k-l said...

Lol!!! No, there is no life after Harry Potter! I too was so sad when they were over. I can't wait for the next movie!

Fablehaven and Twilight were both great series. Have you read the Confessions of a Shopaholic series? Totally a different genre, but they made me laugh!

wynne said...

The only thing that you can do is start on something completely different. I've got lots of books I can recommend if you're really interested.

I really miss you guys. It's been a long time, I know, but I still really miss you! I was thinking the other day that Tyler is going to be SIX next month. Pure crazy.

Hope you guys are doing well! (Come to Spokane soon!)